French Cars Specialists

What to Do When Changing a Tyre

When it comes to changing a tyre, there is a simple method to follow. To avoid being caught out, it is worth ensuring you have all the relevant tools as well as being “in the know” about how to change your tyre prior to attempting the procedure.

Changing car tyre

The steps for changing your tyre in a quick and easy fashion are as follows:

  • Make sure your car is on a flat and stable surface, and put the parking brake on your vehicle. As well as this, wedge the car in place with a heavy object in front of both the front and back tyres.
  • Get your jack ready and set up, raising it until it is supporting – but not lifting – the car.
  • Take off the hub cap, and loosen the nuts by turning them anticlockwise.
  • Next, pump the jack in order to raise the entire tyre off the ground, allowing you to be able to access it.
  • Take the nuts out fully, at this point, and place nearby in a safe place. Once you have taken the nuts out, you can safely and easily remove the tyre. Whilst doing this, it is worth placing an old tyre underneath the car just in case the jack fails so that no damage or injuries occur.
  • Get your spare tyre, and place it onto the hub, taking special care to make sure the rim of this new tyre is aligned with the wheel bolts. Following this, you can put the lug nuts in place to hold the new tyre in the spot it should be. Tighten the nuts, by hand at first and then using a wrench once the resistance increases. Whilst doing this, be careful not to use excessive or jolty force that may cause the jack to be affected and put you and your car at risk.
  • Using the jack, lower the car to the ground but make sure the tyre does not have the car’s full weight upon it. Before the full weight can be applied, you must tighten the nuts further still, until they can be tightened no more.
  • Once you have done this, it is time to lower the car fully to the ground, removing the jack. Following this, have one last attempt at fully tightening the nuts and then place the hubcap back onto your wheel atop the new tyre. The old tyre can be taken to a mechanic for repair or disposal.

With these easy tips, changing a tyre does not have to be a complex or fiddly task. As long as the procedure is approached with a safe and sensible attitude, as well as a bit of common sense, you will have no problem changing your tyre wherever and whenever you need to.

Here at Citroen Peugeot Specialists, we are proud to provide lost cost, expert car tyre fitting to customers from our base in Finchley, North London. Our fully comprehensive service is one among a variety of other maintenance and servicing work we offer, so to find out if we can help you with your vehicle, get in touch with our friendly team of experts today.

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