French Cars Specialists

When Do You Need a New Clutch?

As a society of car owners, it is common knowledge that repairs on cars are vital to ensure that each and every vehicle on the road is safe at all times, not only for the driver but for other road users. Unfortunately, repairs and replacements of various vehicle components tend to be a recurrent matter as cars grow older, and can often be expensive. The clutch, however, is an aspect of all vehicles which cannot be compromised on and which must be fully functioning at all times to guarantee the safety of the vehicle and passengers both.

Mechanic checking car engine

It is standard for clutches to have to be replaced before vehicles reach the end of their lifespan, as they incur wear and tear from the everyday driving and use of the vehicle. Various aspects relating to car design can affect how quickly your clutch will grow ineffective and need replacing, such as:

  • how carefully you use the clutch when driving
  • the type of car you drive
  • how hot the climate you live in is

Here, we give you some tips on how to know when it is time for a new clutch in your vehicle. There are three main things which will indicate this need for a new clutch, which are as follows:


One common way of spotting a clutch that is ready to be replaced is if it is beginning to slip as you apply the power. When this happens, the engine speed will dramatically increase when you attempt to accelerate; despite the clutch pedal not even being pressed. If you can feel this slipping happening within your vehicle, it’s safe to say that you are in need of a new clutch.

Smoke or smell of burning

If you are aware of a burning smell being emitted from your vehicle, or the presence of smoke originating underneath the vehicle, it is likely that the vehicle needs a new clutch. The clutch is damaged in this manner by riding the clutch in instances such as slow-moving traffic, which in turn leads to the overheating of the vehicle and wear and tear on the clutch plate.

Clutch sticking

Clutch sticking is something which occurs following the hydraulic linkages failing, creating an abundance of pressure within the vehicle. In this instance, the pedals in the car will become difficult to press and disengage – something which tends to indicate clutch problems but could also simply be a leak that needs repairing rather than complete clutch failure.

Here at Citroen Peugeot Specialists, we are experts when it comes to the repair and replacement of components including the clutches of both Citroen and Peugeot vehicles throughout London. Whatever the problem, you can rely on our fully trained team of experts to get it sorted for you in an efficient yet reliable manner and at a great price, so for more information get in touch with us today.

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